Prinášame aj vyhodnotenie marcovej súťaže - BEST SHOTS OF MARCH 2017 - najlepšie zábery za mesiac marec/březen 2017 z tých, ktoré ste nám na tému "JEDNO OKO - portrét" vložili na našu Facebook stránku. Do súťaže sa zišlo 123 fotografií, do užšieho kola ich postúpilo 25 a tu je finálny výber!
Najlepšie zábery vyberal a ohodnotil SCOTT STULBERG fotograf a inštruktor online Školy Perfektní Fotografie v kurze TVÁŘÍ V TVÁŘ - fotografujeme portrét spolu s Monikou Banas.
Všetkým ďakujeme za účasť a výhercom blahoželáme!
Radoslav Krochmaľ
NEPREHLIADNITE: Prosíme výhercu súťaže (autora fotografie na 1. mieste), aby nás kontaktoval na mail, výhru je možné uplatniť do 1 mesiaca od vyhlásenia výsledkov súťaže.
I. MIESTO - Kateřina Nedvídková
Toto je podľa mňa neuveriteľne silný a myšlienky provokujúcu záber. Jej póza je prirodzená, ale ten jemný schúlený vzhľad vás vtiahne do scény. Kombinácia absencie oblečenia, nádherného rozostrenia na pozadí a výborného prevodu do čiernobielej... tento záber má neuveriteľnú silu zastaviť vás. Dožaduje sa vašej pozornosti! A taktiež vás pritiahnu aj tie pehy... dodávajú tak veľa jej osobnosti a tvári ... rovnako ako aj jej vlasy, omotané okolo jej tváre.
This to me is incredibly powerful and thought provoking in it’s simplicity. Her pose is natural but hier subtle look seems to draw you into the scene. Combined with no shirt, a beautiful blur in the background and a great conversion to black and white... this image has incredible stopping power. It demands your attention! The freckles are also what draws you in... and adds so much character to her face. But then so does that way long hair… and the way it is draped across her face.
This to me is incredibly powerful and thought provoking in it’s simplicity. Her pose is natural but hier subtle look seems to draw you into the scene. Combined with no shirt, a beautiful blur in the background and a great conversion to black and white... this image has incredible stopping power. It demands your attention! The freckles are also what draws you in... and adds so much character to her face. But then so does that way long hair… and the way it is draped across her face.
Do tohoto záberu som absolútne vtiahnutý... a to ako meravo hľadí priamo do objektívu je presne to, čo chcete dosiahnuť veľmi často, keď fotíte krásny objekt. Jej tvár je úchvatná... jej jedno oko je neuveriteľne pútavé... a od jej náušnic až po tú blúzku - aké krásne rozostrenie! Tento záber jednoducho funguje! Ten objekt pred ňou... za ktorým si skrýva tvár... tak, že vidíme iba jedno jej oko... a tá desaturovaná úprava, to všetko tomu dodáva intenzitu a silu! Aj to pozadie tu funguje... presne tak, ako má. Absolútne krásny záber! Chcel by som ho nafotiť ja!
I’m absolutely drawn into the feeling of this image… as her stare directly into the camera is just what you want… quite often, when you’re shooting a beautiful subject. Her face is stunning… her one eye is incredibly intriguing… and from her earrings to her blouse… with that beautiful blur. This image just works! So thought provoking!! There was beautiful blur and that object in front of her… masking out her face… leaving only one of her eyes… and then the desaturated color just adds to the intensity and again stopping power this image provides. Even the background on the left works beautifully, non-distracting and just what the doctor ordered. Absolutely beautiful image!! Wish I had taken it!!
I’m absolutely drawn into the feeling of this image… as her stare directly into the camera is just what you want… quite often, when you’re shooting a beautiful subject. Her face is stunning… her one eye is incredibly intriguing… and from her earrings to her blouse… with that beautiful blur. This image just works! So thought provoking!! There was beautiful blur and that object in front of her… masking out her face… leaving only one of her eyes… and then the desaturated color just adds to the intensity and again stopping power this image provides. Even the background on the left works beautifully, non-distracting and just what the doctor ordered. Absolutely beautiful image!! Wish I had taken it!!
II. MIESTO - Martin Dvořák
Tak často ľudia fotia svojich psov a mačky, ale len zriedkavo nafotia niečo, čo si zaslúži výhru - a toto je definitívne ten prípad. Táto mačka má v sebe takmer niečo ľudské, pretože svetlo je také éterické a krásne zachytené a orez takto tesne nad hlavou, ale s dostatkom priestoru naľavo a dole funguje perfektne. A skutočnosť, že sa mačka pozerá niekde preč, akoby bola vo vlastnom svete taktiež dáva tomuto záberu neuveriteľnú silu, ktorá núti diváka pristaviť sa. Nádherne urobené! Malo by to byť použité v reklame... pretože až také dobré to je!
So often, people try to photograph their dogs or cats, sometimes, they get a winning shot, this is definitely one of those times. This cat almost seems to be human because the lighting is so ethereal and beautifully done. And the cropping just above the head but with enough negative space on the left and below… works perfectly. and the fact that the cat is looking away… literally in its own world… also gives incredible stopping power. Beautifully done!! Should be used in advertising... because it is that good!
So often, people try to photograph their dogs or cats, sometimes, they get a winning shot, this is definitely one of those times. This cat almost seems to be human because the lighting is so ethereal and beautifully done. And the cropping just above the head but with enough negative space on the left and below… works perfectly. and the fact that the cat is looking away… literally in its own world… also gives incredible stopping power. Beautifully done!! Should be used in advertising... because it is that good!
III. MIESTO - Mirka Karpíšková
Tento záber funguje takto dobre pre svoju jednoduchosť. Proste vás prirodzene vtiahne, vďaka jej krásnej tvári a úsmevu. A taktiež vďaka tomu jemne rozostrenému pozadiu a zároveň stále náznaku toho, kde sa to odohráva. A čerešnička na torte je ten krásny jemný prevod do čiernobielej... takže zistíte, že sa pozeráte na úchvatný záber. Jednoduché, ale veľmi pôsobivé... a všetok ten negatívny priestor naľavo, teda presne tam, kam sa ona pozerá... to je tá správna kompozícia, ktorá tu funguje. Veľa ľudí zabúda na silu negatívneho priestoru. Tento záber sa mi strašne páči!!
This image works so well because of it's simplicity. you are just naturally drawn into it because of her beautiful face and smile… the fact that she’s not looking at the camera… and the background as a soft blur with a little bit of a sense of place. you are not sure where she is but you can relate to it. And the icing on the cake is the beautiful but soft conversions of black and white… that just makes you realize that you’re looking at a stunning image. Simple but powerful… and all of the negative space on the left… which happens to be the direction in which he is looking makes the composition work beautifully. Many people forget the power of negative space. Absolutely love this image!!!
(c) Mirka Karpíšková |
Radoslav Krochmaľ
Krásne použitie svetla... ktoré sa rozlieva po jej tvári takým elegantným spôsobom... ale je to aj jej nálada, ktorá vás vtiahne. Veľmi emotívne! A fakt, že pozerá priamo do fotoaparátu... veľmi silné... a celé to má taktiež krásny farebný tón!
Beautiful use of lighting… draping across her face is such an elegant way… but it’s also her mood that draws you in. Very emotional! And the fact that she’s looking straight at the camera… incredibly powerful… and beautiful toning too!
Lenka Rondevaldová
Taktiež veľmi emotívne... vťahuje diváka dovnútra... lebo vyzerá ako nejaká tanečnica... zachytená uprostred pohybu. Pozerá sa dole, vo svojom vlastnom svete... rozmýšľa o niečom, o čom my nemáme ani tušenia... také emotívne... a také krásne. Má takú jemnú, nevinnú tvár... a všetko ostatné je čierne, proste nádhera. Ja by som ju ale trochu posunul, vyššie a viac do jej ľavej strany, aby vzniklo na ľavej strane záberu viac miesta... a napravo zostalo zase menej toho negatívneho priestoru. Odhliadnuc od toho je to výborné!
Also very emotional... pulling the viewer in… as she almost seems like a dancer… caught in the middle of a move. The fact that she is looking down and in her own world… thinking about something we have no idea about… So emotional… yet so beautiful. Soft innocent face... and then everything else black. Just beautiful. Might have moved her a little bit more... up and to her left… to provide a bit more space on the left of the image... and done a little bit less negative space on the right side… otherwise excellent!
Also very emotional... pulling the viewer in… as she almost seems like a dancer… caught in the middle of a move. The fact that she is looking down and in her own world… thinking about something we have no idea about… So emotional… yet so beautiful. Soft innocent face... and then everything else black. Just beautiful. Might have moved her a little bit more... up and to her left… to provide a bit more space on the left of the image... and done a little bit less negative space on the right side… otherwise excellent!
Jitka Matyášová
Je celkom zrejmé, že toto nie je ľahké nafotiť... je to premyslené a dobre prevedené. A taktiež sa mi páči celková úprava... A hoci takýto záber už bol nafotený, myslím si, že je pôsobivý a definitívne vás donúti sa pri ňom pristaviť a naozaj sa snažiť ho rozlúštiť. Vtiahne vás a na nejakú chvíľu vás drží... a to sa u portrétov nie vždy podarí. Veľmi dobrá práca!
Obviously not an easy shot to do… well thought out and well executed. even love the processing all around… and although this image has been done before… I think it’s compelling and definitely makes you stop and really try and decipher it. But pulls you in… and makes you stay for a while. That doesn’t always happen with portraits… good job on this!!
Monika Sandrová
Tento typ záberu už bol tiež nafotený mnohokrát... ale to neznamená, že nemôže byť nafotený znovu a znovu... pretože to je vždy veľmi pôsobivé, bez ohľadu na to, kedy taký vidíte... Staromódny glamour záber. Osvetlenie bolo krásne nastavené, páči sa mi fakt, že sa modelka pozerá preč... a dokonalý je aj jej rúž a vlasy. A krásna úprava, okrem oka, ktoré by potrebovalo vyčistiť na bielku, lebo je to rušivé. Nemám na mysli, že to má byť viac biele ... ale čistejšie, aby toho na tej bielej bolo menej. Veľmi pekný záber!
This kind of shot has also been done quite often… but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done over and over… because it always looks so powerful, no matter when you see it… an old-fashioned glamour shot like this. The lighting was done beautifully… the fact that the model was looking away… her lipstick is perfect as is her hair… and the soft, mellow feel all around… add to a gorgeous final piece. I think the hat is what makes it… and some beautiful retouching… although her right eye needs to be cleaned up a little bit more in the white area, as it’s a little distracting with it not being a little bit cleaner. Not necessarily whiter... but just less going on inside the white. Very beautiful image!
This kind of shot has also been done quite often… but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done over and over… because it always looks so powerful, no matter when you see it… an old-fashioned glamour shot like this. The lighting was done beautifully… the fact that the model was looking away… her lipstick is perfect as is her hair… and the soft, mellow feel all around… add to a gorgeous final piece. I think the hat is what makes it… and some beautiful retouching… although her right eye needs to be cleaned up a little bit more in the white area, as it’s a little distracting with it not being a little bit cleaner. Not necessarily whiter... but just less going on inside the white. Very beautiful image!
(c) Monika Sandrová |
NEPREHLIADNITE: Prosíme výhercu súťaže (autora fotografie na 1. mieste), aby nás kontaktoval na mail, výhru je možné uplatniť do 1 mesiaca od vyhlásenia výsledkov súťaže.
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