Konečne je to tu! Prinášame BEST SHOTS OF MARCH 2016 - najlepšie zábery za mesiac marec 2016 z tých, ktoré ste nám na tému "PORTRÉT NAOZAJ Z BLÍZKA" vložili na našu Facebook stránku. Všetkým ďakujeme za účasť a výhercom blahoželáme!
Najlepšie zábery vyberal a ohodnotil SCOTT STULBERG - fotograf a inštruktor online Školy Perfektní Fotografie v kurze TVÁŘÍ V TVÁŘ - FOTOGRAFUJEME PORTRÉT. Tento kurz budeme pre vás otvárať v tomto roku už iba jediný krát - na jeseň 2016, dátum bude čoskoro upresnený.
Ok... hotovo ... poďme na to!
Ok… all done... here we go!
I. MIESTO: Krisztína Kyra Brenčičová
Tento záber vyniká nad ostatnými a nielen pre jeho technické kvality, keďže to vyzerá, že stál obrovské množstvo práce čo sa makeupu a osvetlenia týka... ale má taktiež schopnosť upútať a to dobrý portrét potrebuje - pritiahnuť diváka tak, že sa na záber dlhšie zadíva a je fascinovaný vaším výtvorom. Skutočnosť, že je to nafotené z profilu, bez pohnutia a čierne pozadie je všade okrem tváre a toho neuveriteľného makeupu vás jednoducho vtiahne. Skvelá práca, ktorá bola pochopiteľne vopred naplánovaná, ale s krásnym výsledkom. Toto je to, čo ja nazývam myslenie mimo zabehané koľaje a definitívne zaslúžené prvé miesto!
image absolutely stands out from the others and not just from a
technical standpoint…. as it looks like it took a tremendous amount of
work for the makeup and the lighting…but it has stopping
power. this is what a good portrait needs - to draw the viewer in so that
they just stay for a while.. and are mesmerized with your creation. The
fact that it’s a profile….. with no motion… and is black everywhere
except for the face and the incredible detailed makeup…. it just draws
you in. A
great job that was obviously planned but executed beautifully. This
is what I call thinking outside of the box and definitely deserves
Toto je ďalší príklad záberu, ktorý núti zamyslieť sa a provokuje. Ste do neho vťahovaní, lebo sa zdá, že vás vezme na ďalekú cestu. Zdá sa vám, že sa viete vcítiť do tejto dievčiny, že sa všetci vieme vžiť do jej pocitov, ktoré si je schopná sama pripustiť. S jej zatvorenými očami ... a hlavou naklonenou jemne do pravej strany... je nám všetkým jasné, že nad niečím hlboko premýšľa a takmer sa nachádza vo svojom vlastnom svete plnom snov.
Takže, nielen ona je úžasná, ale je aj zachytená úžasným spôsobom, vrátane tých tieňov z konárikov vedľa nej, ktoré jej robia pásiky cez tvár a dodávajú sem trochu záhadnosti a tajomna. A skutočnosť, že jej tvár je orezaná rovno uprostred jej čela... je to ešte trochu viac provokojúce a dokazuje to, že fotograf vedel, ako zachytiť svoj objekt. No a ten prevod do čiernobielej je záverečným kúskom do skladačky, ktorý spravil tento záber tým čím je a ešte ho vylepšil. Ešte aj nádherný bokeh na ľavej strane je tak jemný a pritom silný a dodáva celému záberu ešte viac mágie. Absolútne perfektný záber, ktorý kľudne mohol byť aj na prvom mieste!
This is an example of another incredibly thought provoking image. you are drawn in because it seems to take you on a journey. you seem to feel for this girl because we all can relate to the emotions she seems to be admitting. With her eyes closed… and her head turned to the right… we all know that she’s thinking deeply about something and almost in her own dreamworld. So not only is she gorgeous... but she is captured in a gorgeous way in the shadows stripping across her face from the bushes next to her... add a little bit of mystery and intrigue. And the fact that it was cropped right in the middle of her for head… actually as a little more intrigue and shows that the photographer knew just how to capture her subject. And then the conversion to black and white is the final piece of the puzzle that made this image what it was. Even the beautiful Bokeh on the left is subtle but so powerful and lends even more magic to the image. An absolute perfect image and easily could have been first place also!
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© Martina Fehérová |
There was a tie for third place with two images getting third-place.
III. MIESTO: Michaela Nesvadbová
Osôbka na tomto zábere, ktorá vyzerá ako malý chlapec... ale kľudne môže byť aj dievčatko, je to trochu ťažké povedať. Ste tiež priťahovaní do tohto záberu a zároveň má tiež istú silu, ktorá vás zastaví a núti vás zapozerať sa, pretože je neuveriteľne náladový. Tá tvár je úplne skvelou definíciou úžasnosti. Ale tiež spôsob, ktorým ho fotograf zachytil je úchvatný, lebo sa mu podarilo nafotiť okno do jeho duše. Vôbec nevenuje ani najmenšiu pozornosť Michaele a je úplne celý zahĺbený vo svojom svete... a to je presne to, čo vťahuje divákov do záberu. Chceme vedieť o čom rozmýšľa, čo sa mu preháňa cez jeho maličkú myseľ, a to proste núti divákov zastaviť sa a hľadieť uprene. A to, že si to orezala tak tesno (presne tak, ako to aj ja zbožňujem často robiť) a k tomu ten negatívny priestor na ľavej strane, ktorý má tak krásne jemné rozostrenie, takmer bez farieb... to všetko robí túto fotku silným a úžasným portrétom. Tie jeho oči sú tak výrazné a to jemné svetlo sa rozprestiera cez celú jeho tvár - lepšie to už proste nemôže byť. Krásne snové! Skvelo odvedená práca!
Being at this image of what looks like a little boy….. but could be a girl is a bit hard to tell… you are also drawn into this image and it also has stopping power because it’s so incredibly moody. That face is just so stunning… and the definition of gorgeous. But the way the photographer captured him is also stunning because you have a window into his soul. He is not paying any attention to Michaela… and also in his own world… and that’s what also really draws the viewer in. We want to know what he’s thinking about. what’s going on in that little mind of his… and adjust makes the viewer just stop and stare. and the fact that it’s cropped so tightly… which is what I love to do so often… and then the negative space on the left side has such a beautiful soft blur… with almost no color… it just makes for a powerful and gorgeous portrait. In those little eyes of his are just so powerful and the soft light dripping over his entire face is about as good as it gets. So dreamy! Great job on this one too!
Tento záber tohoto zlatého malého chlapca s modrými okuliarmi je jednoducho výborný, aj tu je divák vtiahnutý do záberu vďaka jeho úžasnej tvári a veľkým očiam... a neuveriteľnému úsmevu! Toto je "je mi tak dobre" záber, ktorý vás prinúti usmiať sa, keď sa naň pozriete. Po tomto pocite idú mnohí, ktorí sa snažia nafotografovať portrét, ale tu sa to naozaj podarilo. Aj orez je tu pekný, znova priamo uprostred čela... a hoci by som rád videl o trochu viac miesta dole pod bradou, stále to celkom pekne funguje, najmä preto, že je tam kúsok jeho ruky. Nijak neriešim, že časť pozadia je biela a časť čierna, lebo si nemyslím, že to záberu niečo uberá a to preto, lebo samotná jeho tvár je pekne osvetlená a je to celé veľmi silné, s tým, ako má hlavu naklonenú... a jednoducho máte chuť držať sa v blízkosti tohoto rozkošného dieťaťa. Naozaj vyzerá tak zlato a myslím si, že fotografka ho zachytila naozaj prekrásne! Na záver iba odporúčam nedávať na fotografie vložené do fotografickej súťaže takú obrovskú vodotlač, zvlášť priamo cez tvár, lebo to pôsobí extrémne rušivo!
This image of this adorable little boy with his blue glasses on is just stunning. you are once again drawn into the image because his gorgeous face and huge eyes... and incredible smile. This is a « feel good » image and just makes you smile when you look at it. This is what many people go for when they’re trying to capture a portrait but this one exceeds very well. It was cropped beautifully once again right in the middle of the forehead… and although I would like to have seen a bit more room on the bottom, it still works nicely especially seem his hand right underneath his chin. I don’t even mind the fact that the left side is dark and the right side is white…. as I don’t feel it takes away from the image with two different colors…… and that’s because his face is so well lit…… and it’s such a powerful image especially with his head slightly tilted…… and you just want to be around this cute little kid. He looks incredibly adorable and I think the photograph captures him beautifully! I just recommend not to put such a huge watermark on the image (and directly on his face) participating in the contest as it is extremely distracting!
This image of this adorable little boy with his blue glasses on is just stunning. you are once again drawn into the image because his gorgeous face and huge eyes... and incredible smile. This is a « feel good » image and just makes you smile when you look at it. This is what many people go for when they’re trying to capture a portrait but this one exceeds very well. It was cropped beautifully once again right in the middle of the forehead… and although I would like to have seen a bit more room on the bottom, it still works nicely especially seem his hand right underneath his chin. I don’t even mind the fact that the left side is dark and the right side is white…. as I don’t feel it takes away from the image with two different colors…… and that’s because his face is so well lit…… and it’s such a powerful image especially with his head slightly tilted…… and you just want to be around this cute little kid. He looks incredibly adorable and I think the photograph captures him beautifully! I just recommend not to put such a huge watermark on the image (and directly on his face) participating in the contest as it is extremely distracting!
Čestné uznanie (Honorable mentions):
A mám 4 fotografie, ktorý dávam čestné uznanie, lebo sú všetky fantastické... a ukazujú zaznamenanie ich vlastného sveta. To je to, čo každký z týchto záberov robí výnimočným a ukazuje, že nie vždy sa objekt musí pozerať do objektívu. Každý z nich je veľmi silný... a má nesmiernu schopnosť donútiť diváka zadívať sa na ne. Sme vťahovaní do záberov, ako sú tieto, zvyčajne práve preto, že objekt sa nepozerá do objektívu, takže sme prenesení do ich sveta a hádame, kto sú a o čom asi tak môžu rozmýšľať. Je to takmer ako zrkadlo nás samých. Páčia sa mi všetky štyri a hociktorý z nich mohol byť umiestnený aj na niektorom z prvých troch miest.
And I had 4 honorable mentions which were all fantastic... and also seemingly in their own world. That’s what made each of them special and shows that you don’t need your subjects always looking into the camera. Each one of these were so powerful…. and also had tremendous stopping power. We are drawn into images like this, partially because the subjects were not looking into the camera. So we are brought into their world… wondering who they are and what they could possibly be thinking about. Is almost a mirror of ourselves. I love all four of these images and they easily could’ve been in the top three also.
And I had 4 honorable mentions which were all fantastic... and also seemingly in their own world. That’s what made each of them special and shows that you don’t need your subjects always looking into the camera. Each one of these were so powerful…. and also had tremendous stopping power. We are drawn into images like this, partially because the subjects were not looking into the camera. So we are brought into their world… wondering who they are and what they could possibly be thinking about. Is almost a mirror of ourselves. I love all four of these images and they easily could’ve been in the top three also.
Fantastické zábery od fantastických fotografov tento mesiac!! Všetky do jedného ... skvelá práca, priatelia!
Fantastic images by some fantastic photographers!! All of them… great job you guys!!
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